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The form of entity (LLC, corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, etc) does not change the issue of whether you need a business license. You either need one or you don't, regardless of what type of entity you are.

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13y ago

The State of California has a website that you can use to determine if you need a business license for specific types of businesses. The actual business license is obtained from the County Clerk's Office where the business is located. Using the free website link below "California Business Licenses Directory" you can access the link for the State's "Business Licenses" Office or scroll down to the specific County "Business Licenses" link for either contact information or a direct link to the Clerk's Office.

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Q: Do you need a business license in California?
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There is no martial arts license required in California. However, to run a business will require a business license and meeting the appropriate health codes.

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Mabey, if the job is over $500 then you do!

Information about California business license.?

A California business license is a document certifying you to practice business in the state of California. To know more about it, simply know what your business is and learn what needs are there in order to qualify for one.

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No, you do not need a license to apply eyelash extensions in the state of California. Similarly, you can be a makeup artist without a cosmetology license. You would only need a business license. Freelance makeup artists and freelance lash stylists do not need a cosmetology license.

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Business license $115 (Orange County), Tax certificate, about $20. That's it unless you have employees.