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No, but it's a good practice.

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Q: Do you have to report a crime in Georgia?
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Who can report bigamy in the state of SC and how do you report it?

It's a crime, so you report it like any other crime--call the police. Anyone can report it.

What is Georgia's violent crime rate?

The violent crime rate for Savannah Georgia was 203.5 per 100,000 in 2011.

Whats the crime rate in Jesup Georgia?

The crime rate in Jesup in Georgia is high. There is a lot of murders, rape, robberies and theft.

What report issues the most crime information?

(in the US) Probably the UCR (Uniform Crime Report) which is compiled, produced, and published by the FBI's National Crime Information Center.

Is crime mob from Ohio?

no crime mob is from Ellenwood Georgia. not far from Atlanta

Is it a crime to hide a car that's up for repo in Georgia?

That act in itself isn't a crime. However, if you tell a repo agent you don't know where the car is, then the repo agent will report the car stolen on behalf of the finance company (the rightful owner of the car).

Where to report crime done by an American outside US?

The crime should be reported wherever the crime occured.

How do you report a person stealing from a foreclosed house?

Dial 911 and report the crime.

Where do you report the crime of an identity theft?

Your local police department can handle the report.

How do you report a crime to Scotland Yard?

You don't, you report it to your nearest police station.

Where can you find a crime report from Southampto?

in Southampton

What is the Universal Crime Report?

It is a report published by the FBI detailing the overal crime statistics as reported to them by local law enforcement agencies.See below link: