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It isn't necessary to take any action for a completed artwork to be protected. Copyright protection is free and automatic, as soon as work of sufficient originality is "fixed in a tangible medium, perceptible to human eye, machine reader or other device".

If you want the additional protection a formally registered copyright can afford, contact the copyright office in your country for the proper procedure and attendant fee structure.

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15y ago

Yes it isn't necessary to register a work for it to be protected. Copyright protection is automatic, as soon as a work of sufficient originality is "fixed in a tangible medium, perceptible to human eye, machine reader or other device".

If you want the additional protection a formally registered copyright can provide, contact the copyright office in your country for the proper procedure and applicable fees.

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14y ago

First of all it is not necessary to register a copyright. Copyright protection start the moment a work is fixed in a tangible medium of expression. In other words when you write it down or record it. It does not have to be publicly published. You will have to register if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work.

If you would like to have the facts of your copyright on the public record and have a certificate of registration then it will cost $35. Processing time for a copyright application is about 6 months.

Check out my book to be published February 2011 "Crash Course in Copyright" by Jeanne Mayeux

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13y ago

Protection is automatic. If formal registration is available in your country, that would carry a fee, which differs from country to country and sometimes from material to material.

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15y ago

No, a written or drawn article is covered as soon as it is made public for the first time.

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Not in the US (and many other countries). Copyright is automatic as soon as "a work of sufficient originality is fixed in a tangible medium".

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How much must you pay if wemake a book copyright?

In most countries copyright is free, instantaneous and automatic.

Do you need to pay a fee to have copyright recognised?

No, your copyright is automatically applied once the work is created in a tangible form, such as written, recorded, etc.

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A person who infringes copyright can be sued by the copyright owner and taken to court. A court can order a number of things such as, the infringer must pay compensation and pay the copyrights owners costs. In some cases the infringer can be charged by the police and can be ordered to pay a fine as little as $200 or as much as $150 000, or in serious cases the infringer can be jailed.

Do you have to pay copyright fees on songs on just a locally put on play?

Yes you do.

Do you have to pay to copyright per song which is 35 dollars on the gov website or can you copyright an entire album?

The songs are automatically protected by copyright as soon as they are fixed (written down or recorded), but if you wish to register them with the copyright office, yes, you can register a group of works under one application.

What does it mean to copyright to a book?

Copyright means that the book or writing or song belongs to the copyright holder. Anyone using or posting the copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder can be held to pay for the unauthorized use of the material. George Harrison had to pay because My Sweet Lord had the same melody as She Is So Fine. Using copyrighted material can lead to fines, loss of a job, and dismissal from school.

How do you get copyright on your work?

you have to pay a lot of money and call this number 9237 4864 1000

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Do you need to pay for usage of copyright in a book you wrote?

If you are quoting someone else, yes you will need to contact them and set up a contract where you pay them for the use of their words. If you are talking about your own copyright, it takes effect the minute you write the book - you don't need to pay anything because it is something you created. Other people pay you for using it.

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You may use copyright protected material when you are the copyright holder, or when you have permission from the rightsholder or an exemption in the law. The most notable exemption is fair use or fair dealing, which allows certain limited unlicensed uses in situations such as education and commentary.

When must you pay out on a copyright?

If you are negotiating for a license to use someone else's work, there may be a fee.

How would one copyright a song without a lawyer?

Write: Copyright 2011 by Your Name Even that isn't required. If you created it and can prove it, you own the copyright. If you intend to bring suit, you have to fill out the forms and pay the fee to the US government (if you live in the US).