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Child support is based on all income received, including unearned income (but not public assistance/SSI).

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How do you file a judgment against child support?

Child Support cannot be attached to pay a judgment.

What do you do when the father of your child is on ssi and doesnt pay his chil support order?

You file an enforcement action with child support enforcement

If you are divorced in Oregon and ordered to pay child support and then your ex-husband moves to Alaska without your consent are you still required to pay child support?


Do I have to pay child support if I do not know where the child is?

Yes. You must file for visitation/custody in the same court that issued the child support order.

If you pay child support for 1 child and the mother remarries can you file for a decease in child support?

You can try, but the mother's new spouse isn't responsible for your child.

How do you pay less child support if unemployed?

You should file a motion for modification in the court that issued the child support order immediately.

Can you charge your first cousin child support?

Yes. If the the first cousin is one of the parents of the child and has a job but refuses to pay for food and clothing, and you are caring for the child, you qualify to file for child support. You may not be able to marry the first cousin as that is illegal in some but not all jurisdictions, but you can file for child support.

How is a child support given to guardian by parent receiving child support?

the guardian should file to have the order transferred to them as well as file on the parent currently receiving it to also pay. Or the obligor parent should file for custody.

How do you get a father to pay child support if mother wont file?

You can't. If you are not the child's legal guardian you can't do anything.

How do you file to continue the garnishment of retirement pay for child support?

The question that would arise first is why it would be stopping if child support is still owed?

Do you need to file a tax return if you're a stay at home mom getting child support?

No because you dont pay tax on child support

Can the state pay child support if the father will not?

The state does not pay child support. However if you require public assistance the state will automatically go after child support, and even if you do not require public assistance you can file for help with the Office of Child Support and often their services are free. The father may not pay voluntarily but a court action will require him to.