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You do if you live in Connecticut or Hawaii. Other than that it varies between states. In Connecticut a child over the age of 18 may receive court-ordered child support to go to college until turning 23. If turning 23 during the middle of an academic year, the child may receive child support until the end of that academic year.

In California a parent can only be forced to pay college-related child support if an agreement has already been written between the parents to do so. Otherwise, a parent is under no obligation to pay college-related child support.

Please ask again and tell what state you are referring to or consult an attorney in your state.

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11y ago

Maybe. Even though most child support obligations will cease once the child reaches the legal age of majority for the state in which he or she resides the child support order always dictates when suchsupport should end.

If the concerned parent does not have a copy of the support order they can contact the clerk of the court where the support order was mandated for officialinformation.

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18y ago

I know that my uncle had to pay child support until his daughter graduated from college. But that is what the judge ordered.

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Q: Do you have to pay child support if the 'dependent' goes to college for more than four years and is over 22?
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Do you have to pay child support after your child is 18 years old if your child is going to college and living at home with her mother in New York?

That is dependent on state law and your specific orders. In most states, no. But there are those that do require it, with some requiring that you also pay for the college education.

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I'm not aware of any State where a 23-year-old is considered a dependent. In many States, the age of majority is 18 and in most of the others, 21. Support while the child is in college may be ordered but is not mandatory.

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It depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction, but in many cases, parents are only legally obligated to pay child support until the child reaches the age of majority, which is typically 18. Some jurisdictions may require child support to continue while the child is still a dependent, such as through college, but this varies.

Can a mother collect child support after 15 years of not collecting?

arrears - yes; current (ongoing) support - yes, if the child is still a minor/dependent; retroactive support - maybe, it depends on several factors

When does Ohio child support end if child goes to college?

you have to pay child support as long as your child is under 18 years of age

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Usually, the order for support will state the termination date. The order may require support for a child who is a college student.

Does child support continue if child is in college?

Generally, child support is only ordered until the child 18 years of age. However, you need to check your own child support order and any separation agreement associated with your divorce.

How can a father legally stop paying child support on a child that is 18 years old and enrolled in college in Iowa?

Make an official request from child support enforcement. see links

Can I a mother of an adult sue the father for child support?

If your child is 18 years of age or older, and considered an adult, then no you do not have any basis with which to sue the father for child support. That child is considered an adult by legal standards and not a dependent. Only for full-time dependents do you have any grounds for child support.

How long does a child have before starting college at the expense of a noncustodial parent?

Six months after graduation in those few states that require child support into the college years.

When do you stop paying child support son is 17 left school not working and not at college?

No matter what age or in school. Child Support is until 18 years of age.

What is the process in which I can stop paying child support in NJ?

When your child reaches the age of 18 or finishes college, depending on how your support order is worded. Typically the child must be 18 years of age, and not in or going to college. This is just an opinion. There may be other considerations.