I'm sorry you don't have a god dam righto get ride of her leave her alone and leave her family alone leave her be physically menttally return everthing you took replace her cellphone stop harrassing them and let her get marred pysically emotionally mentally
go away; leave me alone
thateasy just be an a**hole and obnoxiously say leave me alone im trying to work in the middle of class and she will leave u alone. and if not the teacher or instructer will step in
Leave it alone and contact your police department. Get an unwanted animal to step on it.
If getting a person to leave you alone is the goal, stopping all interaction with them is the first step. If they can't take the hint, it may be time for a little gentle honesty.
Tell him "Mamma gotta have a life too" seriously
Your daughter's step-sister would be your step-daughter.
Through marriage your step - sister's daughter is your step-niece!
Your husband's step-daughter could be your daughter.Your husband could also have a step-daughter who is the daughter of a previous wife from her prior marriage to someone else. In that case, his step-daughter is not related to you, unless you adopt her.
step grand daughter step grand daughter step grand daughter
If a man has a daughter from a revious marraige, that daughter is the step-daughter of the second wife, and the second wife is the step-mother of the daughter.