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Yes. You should keep copies of your past records with you unless your government office in your state or country has a streamline platform to easily obtain certified copies of your past divorces.

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You are not required to but it is a good idea to keep your copy in order to have the case number. For example, if you need to collect Social Security benefits under your former spouse you will need to order a certified copy of the divorce decree to be sent (along with other documentation) to the Social Security Administration with your application.

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Q: Do you have to keep old divorce papers if the spouse is deceased?
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Yes and no. You are always welcome to change your mind about the legal proceeding you are entering into. However, when it comes to divorce, if the other party still wants to go through with the proceeding even though you have changed your mind, then the divorce will be granted with or without your consent. Although it may complicate things, if your spouse wants the divorce the court is not going to keep him or her in the marriage contract.

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Yo must file divorce papers and you will be requested to put an ad in the newspaper of his last known address. Remember that you can always contact his family and find out or at least a friend. The papers can be sent there with proof of service and if he doesn't answer you will get the divorce and everything you requested.

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It varies state by state, but typically you do make that decision within your divorce papers authorization. You can see the steps to divorce in your state at the link below.

Do both parties have to sign the papers for a divorce to be final in the state of Maryland?

A spouse can refuse to sign the divorce papers for as long as they wish but that does not mean that they wont get divorced. The court simply will not keep a party to a marriage in the marriage arrangement if they do not want to be in it anymore. What happens in these circumstances is that you must attempt to serve the other party (sounds like you have done that) and proceed as if they did and a default divorce judgment will be entered and you will be divorced.

Can you be forced into a divorce in Vermont?

A spouse can contest the dissolution of the marriage if they so choose. Such contestation would relate to the terms of the divorce not the granting of it. Even so, the spouse not wishing the divorce would not be able to keep it from though they might be able to delay the process for quite a while.

Can a woman get divorced even if her spouse doesn't sign the papers no children been estranged for 2 or more yrs they filed bankrupsey together recently within 4 months will that keep her from ge?

No person can prevent another person from getting a divorce by refusing to sign papers. Refusing to sign paperwork might cause difficulties straightening out joint finances. Still, it will not prevent the divorce from going through.

Can you keep insurance on your spouse if you divorce and have no children together?

No. For more info see

What happens if spouse refuses to sign divorce paper in the state of AR?

Although that can make an already difficult process more difficult, you can still get a divorce. Courts simply are not going to keep you in a "contract" that you want to get out of. You need to show the court that you used due dilligence to serve the other party and that their refusal to sign the papers is no fault of your own. After the court is satisfied with this showing, you can proceed with the divorce as if they had signed the divorce and a default divorce will be entered and you will in fact be divorced.

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If a spouse told his mistress that he wants to keep his family but wants to be with her also do you have the rights to ask him for divorce?

When a husband wants to keep his family and still have his mistress, then yes, the wife has every right to file for divorce.