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You will have to check the rules of your state. There is some varience as to how and what permissions are required for someone under 18 to get married. You may only need the signature of the one that has custody.

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Q: Do you have to have both parents sign if they are separated and you are under 18 to get married?
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Can you be legally separated and have joint custody?

Yes. If you are legally separated then you are still married and both parents have equal rights and obligations to the child. The court can issue a support order, custody order and visitation order if necessary. You should consult with an attorney to determine your options under your state laws.Yes. If you are legally separated then you are still married and both parents have equal rights and obligations to the child. The court can issue a support order, custody order and visitation order if necessary. You should consult with an attorney to determine your options under your state laws.Yes. If you are legally separated then you are still married and both parents have equal rights and obligations to the child. The court can issue a support order, custody order and visitation order if necessary. You should consult with an attorney to determine your options under your state laws.Yes. If you are legally separated then you are still married and both parents have equal rights and obligations to the child. The court can issue a support order, custody order and visitation order if necessary. You should consult with an attorney to determine your options under your state laws.

You and your girlfriend are both 16 she is pregnant and you want to get married both her and your parents agree with it but do you have to worry about her not being under her parents full custody will?

no u dont once she has permission of 1

Can one parent take a child out of state without the other parents permission if they are still married but separated?

Generally, yes. If the parents are just separated, there are no custody issues set down by the court. That means both parents are "equal" custodians. It takes legal action to change that. If you start down that road, it is important that both parents focus on the best interests of the child - and keep that focus. Good luck.

How old do both parties have to be for marriage?

by law, if a couple wants to get married under the age of eighteen, all they need is parents permission. my personal advice DO NOT GET MARRIED UNDER THE AGE OF 16!!! otherwise, live happily

Should parents stayed married for the kids sake?

yes i think that parents should stay married for the kids sake because kids can learn different things from both parents. No. It is of no benefit to anybody. All the kids will learn is how not to conduct a relationship. Better that the kids learn two happily separated parents than two miserably joined ones.

Under what circumstances can an unmarried underage couple live together?

If you are not emancipated you need your parents' permission to move out or to get married.

Can you marry a girl under 18?

If you are emancipated, you can get married. You can get married under the age of 18 with parental consent in most states. Also, in most states you are considered emancipated if you are married. ill agree with that and add (in new york at least) in order to get married u need parental consent from both parents and you need to be 16

Can you talk to both your separated parents?

Unless the judge has made an order that says otherwise children are allowed to talk to both parents on a regular basis.

Can you get married in kansas with an adult if you are 15 and pregnant?

If you have parental consent of both parents and it will also require a court order because you are under 16.

Do you need one or two parents' permission to get married if you're under 18?

It depends on the laws of your specific state. Some states require the signature of both parents if they have equal custody.

Can you remarry if legally separated in Arizona?

No you can not go and get remarried in the state of Arizona, if legally separated , you must remember you have to legally divorced to get married anywhere.

Can you get married when you are 16 and pregnant?

If BOTH parents consent (in writing) to the court then the minor CAN get married.