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Q: Do you have to file a civil lawsuit in the same city as that person?
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You need to file a civil lawsuit.You need to file a civil lawsuit.You need to file a civil lawsuit.You need to file a civil lawsuit.

Can you file a complaint to take possession of an automobile for which you were a co-signer but title is not in your name?

You would need to file a civil lawsuit. You should inquire at your local court.You would need to file a civil lawsuit. You should inquire at your local court.You would need to file a civil lawsuit. You should inquire at your local court.You would need to file a civil lawsuit. You should inquire at your local court.

How long to file a civil rights violation lawsuit?

1 hour

Is civil suit and lawsuit the same thing?

A Civil Suit is a type of lawsuit, therefore they are the same. A Civil Suit can be filed by any individual who is looking to file a case against someone for emotional or physical injuries.

How do you respond to a civil suit without a lawyer?

A proper way to respond to a civil lawsuit Complaint that has been filed is to file an Answer. In this legal pleading, a person has a chance to explain why or why not the counts in the Complaint against them are valid.

Where can you go to file a wrongful death lawsuit?

This would be considered a civil action lawsuit and should be filed with an experienced lawyer. It is best to file quickly because most states have a statute of limitations.

What can you do if uninsured driver hit your car?

File a lawsuit against that person.

Can a creditor file a civil lawsuit against you?

If the creditor has a valid debt and if you are not able to make payments as they come due, the creditor can and probably will file a civil lawsuit against you. Once a creditor realizes that no amount of persuasion out of court will get him anything on the debt, a civil suit is the only recourse to getting paid.

How much it cost to file a civil lawsuit?

"Civil litigation attorneys charge different rates dependent upon if they are being paid hourly, flat-rate or contingent upon the amount obtained in the lawsuit."

Where do you file a response to a civil suit?

The defendant's answer to a civil summons for a lawsuit is sent to the issuing court and a copy to the plaintiff or the plaintiff's legal counsel. Addresses can be found on the summons itself.

Can you file a civil lawsuit if a person owes you 27000 dollars?

If you clearly have a contract that states the date the amount should be returned by. And if the debt isn't given back before this time or after, yes.

How do I file a civil lawsuit in TN?

FIle it with the Clerk of the Court's office.