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Absolutely. If a company says you owe something, and you don't believe you do, dispute it in writing to them and the Credit Reporting Agencies. However, if it was on a bill during a specific time fram, you have 60 days from that billing cycle to dispute it. But if they haven't sent you a bill and it is a collection agency, they have 30 days from the date of first contact to send you proof of that debt in writing.

It depends. I got quite an education about this myself while disputing a fraudulent medical bill that is currently in collections. I disputed the bill, asking for "verficiation". I got a computer printout with unintelligible numbers. I re-disputed the bill, asking for my signature, some kind of specific verfication that PROVED this was my debt.

Apparently, "proof" of a debt's legimacy is a matter of what has been established in the courts. Some states allow a simple computerized print-out to establish debt. Others demand proof that is more substantive.

I always find that credit reporting agencies do not involve themselves in the nature of any dispute. They "verify" whether or not your name and social security number are on the account in question. If it is...they consider it verified.

So, technically, the answer is yes. But realistically, you may have a hard time getting documented proof.

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