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It depends on if you were arrested and what you were fined for.

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Q: Do you have a criminal record if you've been fine?
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What is the difference between fine and penalty?

A fine is imposed by a court when you are convicted of a criminal offence. A penalty is issued by an appropriate authority when you have not complied with the law but you have not committed a criminal offence. This means you do not get a criminal record e.g. parking and fare evasion. If you fail to pay the penalty, you will have to go to court and may then have to pay a fine and get a criminal record.

What is the law for disorderly conduct if you never been in trouble before?

Disorderly Conduct is a misdemeanor offense. With no prior criminal record you will probably receive only a fine.

In the State of GA is a simple assault charge on your record if you paid a fine and went to anger management counseling?

If you were charged with simple assault in Georgia and paid a fine and attended anger management counseling, the charge may still appear on your criminal record unless you have successfully petitioned the court for expungement or record restriction. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to determine the best course of action to clear your record.

What are the consequences of being found guilty of stealing?

Monetary fine, jail or prison sentence, lifelong criminal record - etc.

If you were never arrested for shoplifting but paid a fine will that show on a police certificate?

If you were charged with and pled (or were found) guilty to shoplifting (thus paying the fine) it will appear on a criminal background record.

Will a nuisance party ticket go on your criminal record?

A nuisance party ticket may result in a citation or fine but typically does not go on your criminal record as it is considered a minor offense. However, repeat offenses or more serious incidents may have different consequences.

Can you join The French Foreign Legion with tattoos and a criminal background?

Depends on the criminal record. They no longer accept people with major crimes. Tattoos are fine even on hands and neck.

How long does a drug conviction stay on record?

Forever, if a "legal" adult (depending on the state, NC if you are a second older than the age of 16, you are no longer considered a juvenile on your criminal record). It is only a myth that convictions go away on your criminal record. Any and everything you are ever charged with will stay on your criminal record, even if found not guilty or if the charge is dismissed. It will state so on your criminal record. Let's say you are charged and arrested for misdemeanor larceny and you go to court, the judge tells you to do 30 hours of community service and pay a fine, then your charge will be dismissed. Your criminal record will still state the offense date, type of offense and dismissed. Or if you take it to trial and some how you "beat" this charge your criminal record will still state the offense date, type of offense and not guilty. The only thing that can be counted against you are offenses you are found guilty of. Although they will always be on your criminal record!

You pay a fine can you have the clean record?

(in the US) No. Whenever you are arrested or issued a trafic violation, it results in an entry being made on your permanent criminal history, or DMV, records. Paying the fine may take care of the offense but it does not make the record that you committed it "go away."

If you were caught drunk driving and charged will you have a criminal record?

no If you have been to court and convicted , probably yes. If this was a first offense , some jurisdictions can fine you and send you to driving school and MAY remove the charge from your record, but you must ask about this.The Cty or State's Attorney's office should be able to help you or direct your inquiry .

Paid fine for shoplifting and damage through the store lawyer's letter and cops warned me without arrest or court do I have criminal record?

It sounds like you handled the entire thing through the store's lawyers. Despite the "warning" if you were NOT arrested by the police, taken into custody and placed on the arrest book, you do NOT have a criminal record.

Can you have your driving record expunged after you have paid the fine and served the sentence in Georgia?

No, your driving record, unlike your criminal record, is a never-changing history of your entire driving history from the very first time you ever got your license right up to the present time.