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If you signed a contract to buy a product or service at your home or at someplace other than the vendor's "normal place of business", then in most jurisdictions there is an automatic recsission period. However, generally speaking, there's no "cooling off period" for contracts during which you're allowed to freely change your mind and cancel the contract, unless the contract contains a clause specifically granting you that option.

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Q: Do you have 72 hours to change your mind on a contract in New Mexico?
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How long do you have to change your mind after signing a contract in MA?

Massachusetts does not have a buyer's remorse law, so there is no time to change your mind after signing a contract.

Can I change my mind after I purchased the home?

Once you have closed title on the home, you can't change your mind. If you signed a contract and your contract is still in attorney review you may change your mind. However, keep in mind each state has their own laws and you should check with the contract laws of your state.

Can you change your mind after signing a contract?

No you cant.

If you sign contract for used car in KY can you change your mind?

Yes, if a person signs a contract for a used car in KY he can then on a later date for reasons best known to himself change his mind. He however has to pay dearly for breaking the contract.

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The seller cannot change their mind once they have signed a contract unless there is some language in the contract that will allow them to back out of the sale. You need to review the terms of your purchase and sale agreement.

Can you return a used car if purchased less than 24 hours ago?

READ YOUR CONTRACT!!! You will be in for the biggest headache of your life if you try and return it. The dealer will stonewall you and give you reasons why you can't bring it back. After all it is in the contract! Most contracts do not allow for "change of mind" as a reason for breaking the contract.

Is there a law in Virginia that states you have 72 hours to change your mind on a car contract?

Not if you went into the dealership. That law applies mostly to door to door sales, or items purchased that were sloicated to you. Good luck.

Do I have any time to change mind in GA once contract is signed on a used car from a dealer?

In the state of Georgia there is no grace period after buying a used car. Once the contract is signed the car belongs to the buyer and they cannot change their mind.

In Kansas how many work days do you have to change your mind after purchasing a used car?

You do not have any days to change your mind after purchasing a car. This is a binding contract and you are stuck with the car after you have bought it.

Can you change your mind selling a property when a survey has been done?

That depends on whether you have signed a contract with the buyer.

How long do you have after signing a use car contract to change your mind There was no purchase yet and the car is still on their lot?

You have signed a contract. You may have cancellation options listed in the contract, but generally once you have signed a contract, you are bound by that contract. You need to review the contract to know for certain.

Are you quick to change your mind?

How quickly I change my mind has to do with how long I've thought about the question. If I've spent many hours pondering the question it will take a lot of convincing to change my opinion. If I've barely thought about it my mind can change quickly.