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You can use either term but generally for a female you would call them a landlady, however your lease will likely use the term "landlord," as it implies lady or man.

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Q: Do you call a female that rents out a property a land lady or land lord?
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In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female.The noun for a male who rents or leases property is landlord.The noun for a female who rents or leases property is landlady.

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A landlady is a woman who rents out land, a house, or a flat to a tenant. She is the female landlord.

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It's a female. It's basically what they call a girl when they are a adult. Adulthood is 18+ Lady could mean a wife as in "Is the lady of the house at home"? A Lady was the noble wife of the "Lord of the manor" in England. "To the Lords and the Ladies of the Realm, we salute you!" A lady is a person of the female gender who presents herself in a modest and polite fashion. A lady is a gentlewoman, the opposite gender of a gentleman. All of these ladies could be of any age.

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Any person, male of female, who gives massage services or as their professions are called massage therapists.