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Q: Do you agree with this view?
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Present both arguments and explain what you view is.

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It means that two people disagree on something and neither person can see the other person's point of view. So the only thing they can agree on is to not agree.

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They only matter if they are right. And my world view IS right. So your world view means nothing unless you agree with me.

Refers to the amount of a specimen you are able to see?

Field of view ^-^ Field of view >.< xD

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give me an answer write now or else i will love you

It is said that operation research increases the creative capabilities of a decision maker do you agree with this view?


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It is a social science, yes. But technically, isn't everything a science?

What could we do to resolve a conflict?

Agree to be good listeners and sincerely try to accept the other's point of view.