

Best Answer

For the child, yes. For care of the mother, no.

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally.

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

  • Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

  • However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally. - See more at:

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

  • Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

  • However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally. - See more at:

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

  • Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

  • However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally. - See more at:

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

  • Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

  • However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally. - See more at:

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

  • Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

  • However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally. - See more at:

The FMLA distinguishes between fathers and husbands based on the type of FMLA-leave sought:

  • Fathers are entitled to FMLA leave for the birth of their child and for paternity leave to be with the healthy newborn child (i.e., bonding time) during the 12-month period beginning on the date of birth.

  • However, only husbands are eligible to take leave to care for his incapacitated pregnant spouse, to care for her during her prenatal care, or to care for her following the birth of a child if she has a serious health condition.

The FMLA only grants unmarried fathers paternity leave rights. It gives no benefit to the unmarried for any leave to care for the baby's mother, either prenatally or postnatally. - See more at:

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Q: Do unmarried fathers qualify for FMLA for the birth and care of their child?
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legally, no.

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If the unmarried couple has a child together, they would qualify as a family assuming other eligibility factors are met, such as citizenship and income. Otherwise, each individual would have to qualify separately, based on age (over 65) or disability.

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When a married woman gives birth her husband is assumed, legally, to be the father of the child and he has all the legal rights and responsibilities regarding that child. When an unmarried woman gives birth, the paternity must be established legally by the father signing the birth certificate or establishing his paternity through a DNA test. In the case of an unmarried woman, the woman who gave birth is a matter of record. The father's identity is not.When a married woman gives birth her husband is assumed, legally, to be the father of the child and he has all the legal rights and responsibilities regarding that child. When an unmarried woman gives birth, the paternity must be established legally by the father signing the birth certificate or establishing his paternity through a DNA test. In the case of an unmarried woman, the woman who gave birth is a matter of record. The father's identity is not.When a married woman gives birth her husband is assumed, legally, to be the father of the child and he has all the legal rights and responsibilities regarding that child. When an unmarried woman gives birth, the paternity must be established legally by the father signing the birth certificate or establishing his paternity through a DNA test. In the case of an unmarried woman, the woman who gave birth is a matter of record. The father's identity is not.When a married woman gives birth her husband is assumed, legally, to be the father of the child and he has all the legal rights and responsibilities regarding that child. When an unmarried woman gives birth, the paternity must be established legally by the father signing the birth certificate or establishing his paternity through a DNA test. In the case of an unmarried woman, the woman who gave birth is a matter of record. The father's identity is not.

In Ohio at what age does child of unmarried birth parents decide who to live with?

age 18 see links below

In PA being unmarried parents does the father have to be present to sign the Birth Cert for the baby to have his last name?

My daughter was born in PA, you can name your child anything you want to. Any last name, any first name, it doesn't even have to be the last name of either parent, if that's not what you want. The only thing the father has to sign the birth certificate for is for his name to be on the birth certificate. You can name your child anything you want to! ---- It should be noted that signing the Birth Certificate does not grant the father any rights to the child. It merely acknowledges financial responsibility. Only Arizona and Arkansas has specific laws addressing the rights of unmarried fathers. Arizona grants the same rights as married father, whereas Arkansas specifically says that unmarried mothers have sole control, custody, and decision making as regards the child.

If one of the parent is not in the birth certificate can mother take child out of the state?

Fathers with parental rights are not always listed on the birth certificate.

What are fathers legal right when he has not seen children since they were born and he pays child support and health insurance?

Nothing if unmarried to the mother until approved by the courts. see link

Who has legal custody of a minor child when parents never married in Oregon?

In all states the mother has sole custody and control at the time of the birth. Unmarried fathers have no assumed parental rights, just financial responsibility. The father does have the right to petition the court for permission to see the child. see links below

Does the unmarried mother still have custody of a child if that child has the fathers last name?

If you live in the US... The child having the father's last name has NOTHING to do with custody. If Dad is listed on the birth certificate as the father, then both parents have equal custodial rights until a court declares otherwise--you need a custody order. If Dad is not listed on the birth certificate, it will be a simple thing for him to petition the court to establish paternity and once that's done he can then petition for custody/visitation.

The parents of a child are unmarried and the father's name is not on the birth certificate They're 16 years old. Can the mother change the child's name even if the father doesn't want to?

Yes she can.

Can your boyfriend adopt your child without the birth fathers consent?

Yes, but only if the birth father's parental rights have been terminated by the courts.