If aliens exist there could be some alien races that have reptavian characteristics.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have simian characteristics, such as monkeys, gorillas, etc.
If alien races do exist, they could possibly have hermaphrodite characteristics.
Alien races could possibly have elf characteristics if they do exist.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have equine characteristics.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have ursine characteristics.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have caprine characteristics.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have porcine characteristics.
Some alien races could have mineral based characteristics, if they exist.
There is no proof that aliens exist. If they do, it is possible that alien races could have insectile characteristics.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have rodent characteristics, such as squirrels, etc.
If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have leporine characteristics, such as rabbits and hares.