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In California, any security guard/officer working for a Private Patrol Operator must wear a patch on both arms with the words "Private Security" and the companies name. The lines are still blurry when it comes to in house security, as CA BSIS has just recently required all in house security, including bouncers and LP agents to pass a guard card class.

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Q: Do security uniforms have to say security on them?
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What percent of stundents say school uniforms are uncreative?

Approximately 30% of students say that school uniforms are uncreative.

How can school uniforms benefit academically?

people say that uniforms will improve the academic achievement in school but children will get distracted by trying to make the uniforms look better

What do experts say on school uniforms?

They say they really suck and F*** So MUCH! ! ! ! ! But i say they rock!

When people judge you on wearing uniforms what are some reasons why we should wear uniforms?

Wearing uniforms promotes a sense of unity and equality among individuals. Uniforms can also reduce distractions related to clothing choices, allowing focus on academics or work. Additionally, uniforms can enhance safety and security in certain environments by easily identifying members of a group or organization.

Why were uniforms created?

Uniforms were created to promote unity, equality, and discipline among individuals within a group or organization. They also serve to represent the values, mission, and identity of the group. Additionally, uniforms can help enhance safety, security, and professionalism in various fields.

How do you say Uniforms in spanish?

uniformes (ooneeFORR-mess)

Should uniforms be banned?

uniforms should be banned because, say that the child does not have it ready and it is in the wash? its not the kids fault, its the persons fault who made the kids wear it.

What are positive effects of school uniforms?

School uniforms can promote a sense of unity and equality among students, as well as reduce distractions related to fashion choices. They can also help improve school safety and security by easily identifying students on campus. Additionally, uniforms can help level socioeconomic differences among students.

How do you say we do not wear school uniforms in french?

nous ne portons pas l'uniforme scolaire.

What were confederate uniforms called?

Confederate uniforms, gray wool uniforms

What is the significance of uniform?

Uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality within a group or organization. They also help establish a professional image and create a sense of belonging among members. Additionally, uniforms can enhance safety and security by easily identifying individuals in certain roles or professions.

Why don't students like uniforms?

Students may not like uniforms because they feel it limits their freedom of expression and individuality. They might also find uniforms uncomfortable or unfashionable compared to their regular clothes. Additionally, uniforms can create a sense of sameness and reduce the ability to express personal style.