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well it kinda depends where the item they are lookinf for is..

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Q: Do people turn left or right when walking into a store?
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Why do people start walking with their right foot first?

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It possibly originates from the idea that for most (right handed) people, this is the side where they are easiest to attack, so the person to the left can serve them by defending their left.

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People can enter and the stage by walking to the far left and far right of the stage. There are also stairs that lead from the stage to the audience.

Why does a man generally go on the right and a woman on the left Eg at the alter and sleeping in a bed etc?

Probably tradition from the age of chivalry when a man protected a woman using himself as a shield. For instance walking along a pavement the man would keep himself closest to the road in order to protect her from carriages throwing mud, horses, vagrants etc. Since most people are right handed this would mean the man walking on the right and this keeping his right hand free with her walking to his left.

Why do clothiing stores place women clothing to the right of the store?

Research has shown that most women go to the right of a clothing store and most men go to the left of a clothing store. It is mostly for convenience.

Which way should you go Left or Right?

i think you ride on the left, going with the traffic, the opposite to walking but the same as cycling.

When walking from point A to point B instead of taking a right a left another left and then a right Which direction could you take to arrive at your destination?

You could just go straight

When approaching any intersection or driveway?

If you're walking look, first, over your left shoulder for vehicles turning right, and then look right for vehicles not stopping . If your driving, look left, then right, then left again. specially for motorcycles.

Why while walking on the ground if left leg is moved forward simultaneously right hand moves forward and left leg backward?

When walking on the ground, the left leg is moved forward simultaneously with the right hand because of the motion of the torso. The torso twists slightly causing a pendulum motion with the arms and hands.