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This depends on state laws and also, why is he not emancipated if he is 18? He should be automatically at 18, at least in most states if not all. You need to leave more information about marital status between the parents, why he moved out and where to, what state you are in etc.

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Q: Do parents have to pay child support to 18 year old unemancipated child not living with parent?
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Take a parent to court for child support at 19 years old if living environment isn't stable?

Children are never entitled to child support and cannot sue their parents for child support money. Child support is a debt paid from one parent to the other.

If a minor child receives social security from a deceased parent does the living parent still pay child support?

The living parent may still be ordered to pay support. Why doesn't the living parent have custody? see link below

In Texas can you file child support on yourself?

No. If you are under 18 and not graduated from high school, you should live with either of your parents. If you attempt to file child support for yourself, the court can make you live with the parent that you request child support from, if you are not already living with your custodial parent.

If both parents have one sibling each living in their home does child support stop?

No. Child support stops when the court order mandating it says it does. Even if both children are living with the parent paying child support, child support doesn't automatically stop. A change in the living situation of the parents and children like this would definitely be grounds to go back to court and have the order modified.

If a 21 year old full time student lives on their own is the custodial parent entitled to child support?

If the support order included a provision continuing support while the child was enrolled in college it does not matter where the child is living, as the support is to reimburse the custodial parent for the non custodial parents share of the child's expenses. If the child is attending school the custodial parent is likely still paying expenses for that child regardless of where they are living

What is the rights of a teen parent that is still living at home with their parents in Illinois?

A teen parent living at home with their parents has the right and responsibility to raise their child and not leave it up to the grandparents to do it.

Can the noncustodial parent receive child support from the custodial parent if it is in court papers that there is joint custody of children?

It is assumed you mean the parents have joint legalcustody and one parent has physical custody.Generally, the parent with physical custody is awarded the child support since child support is intended to help pay for the child needs, living expenses and all the associated costs of raising the child. The custodial parent has much more in living expenses that are associated with raising the child.See related question link.

How old do you have to be to move out of your parent's house without their conscent?

As long as you are living with your parents, they can and will comment. If you don't want them asking questions, move out, get a job, and support yourself.

What is the difference between an orphan and a kid with parents?

an orphan had parents but they left him and gave him to an orphanage and i kid with parents has parents that didn't leave answer: An orphan has no living parents. (In some cultures, "orphan" may indicate that you have one deceased parent and one living parent.)

Can you receive child support of im under 18?

Your parent would file for child support from the other parent and you would be living with them.

Di single parents required to pay child support?

Most single parents do not pay child support. The absent parent pays the child support.

Can you get a scholarship for having divorced parents and living with a single parent?

Yes. Most scholarships are based on need, or on student achievement. If your single parent has no alimony, or child support for you, then usually the college looks at only the income from the parent you are living with. If the parent's income is low enough, then a scholarship might be available. The best thing to do is to contact the college to see what they would do for you.