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Yes. Contrary to popular opinion, judges do not make laws.

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Q: Do judges follow the constitution
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What is it called when judges make desicions that closely follow earlier court cases and the words of the constitution?

Judicial restraint....

What is it called when judges make decisions that closley follow earlier court cases and the words of the constitution?

Judicial restraint

This branch holds the highest court in your country These 9 people are judges who make sure the laws follow your constitution?

And your question is ... ?

What is the supreme law for all judges at either the state or the federal level?

The US Constitution.State judges adhere to the laws and principles of their state's constitution, as well as most of the US Constitution, with the exception of amendments that have not yet been incorporated. Federal judges follow the US Constitution.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

What is the supreme law for all judges at either the state or federal level?

The US Constitution.State judges adhere to the laws and principles of their state's constitution, as well as most of the US Constitution, with the exception of amendments that have not yet been incorporated. Federal judges follow the US Constitution.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Should judges be able to provide the meaning to the Constitution?

Judges are a necessary part of the process in applying and interpreting the Constitution. If Judges do not use and apply the rules laid down in the Constitution, it means nothing. to do that, a judge must determine how the constitution applies to the specific issues in the case being considered.

How do judges get paid after the constitution is made?

Judges, are paid public servants and are paid salaries.

What is it called when judges make decisions that closely follow earlier court cases in the words of the Constitution?

Following precedent or stare decisis.

According to the constitution how are federal judges placed on the bench?

Judges are appointed by the President then confirmed by the Senate in accordance with Article II of the United States Constitution.

Which is an example of how Hamilton's idea were expressed in the constitution?

An example of how Hamilton's ideas were expressed in the Constitution is that federal judges were given lifetime terms.Federal judges were given lifetime terms.

Who has the power to purpose amendments to the Constitution of TX?

The Judges.

What other duties to the president have in Section 3 of the constitution?

one is to make or follow through with laws. also to appoint supreme and federal judges (approved by senate) and the third one i forgot.