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Q: Do jellyfish make babies
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How many babies can a jellyfish have?


Can the jellyfish have babies?

Yes, of course.

How do box jellyfish care for their babies?

they do not reproduce

Can jellyfish babies go on their own?


How are jellyfish's babies born?

They hatch from eggs.

How often does a box jellyfish have babies?

they often have babies every day or two

What time of year do Box jellyfish have babies?

We do not no for sure.It might have a its babies in the summer when it is warm.

What are jellyfishes babies called?

An immature jellyfish is called ephyra.From the egg of a jellyfish, hatches a larva called planula.

How does mother jellyfish care for the babies?

They don't. Like most invertebrates young jellyfish fend for themselves. This is true of most animals that are not mammals or birds.

How do box jellyfish have babies?

i actually dont know but youre some eigit not for knowing

Do jellyfish have baby?

Yes, jellyfish reproduce by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, where fertilization occurs. Once fertilized, the eggs develop into larvae that eventually grow into juvenile jellyfish. These juveniles then develop into adult jellyfish.

What do jellyfish babies live and feed on?

Baby Jellyfish can live and feed on small fish zoo plankton and small eggs like regular sized ones. :D