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No. Federal judges are appointed by the President with confirmation by the Senate.

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Q: Do federal justices and judges have the authority to choose who their replacements will be?
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How are justices on the Supreme Court chosen?

The president gets to choose the justices himself

Who choose the justices?

The President . . .Added: . . . with the approval of Congress

Does the us senate choose the supreme court justices?

Supreme Court justices are chosen by the president of the United States with the approval from the Senate.

What idea was oputlined in the Virginia Plan apex?

Having a two -house legislature that would choose a president and supreme court justices -apex

Where do the presidents often choose federal judges from?

Presidents often choose federal judges from their own political party.

What is the length of the term of the term of office for justices of the US supreme court?

Life or until they choose to retire.

How many felony cases are dimissed by federal and state prosecutors?

Prosecutors can choose to Nolle Prosse a criminal charge but they do not have the power or authority to dismiss a charge. Only judges can dismiss a charge. I seriously doubt that any statistics are kept on the number of state AND federal charges nationwide that are Nolle Prosse'd.

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Constitutional provisions grants Congress authority to choose the means to exercise its delegated authority?

The Necessary and Proper Clause

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The president does have the authority to veto an existing law, but this can still be overturned.

What gives a government authority?

people choose to follow its laws.

Did Obama choose the federal reserve chairman?

No! The Rothschild's do