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Answer 1Demons do not torture people in hell. The Bible states in Revelation 20:10 "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

According to this scripture taken from the bible, Satan and those that follow him, will be tormented in the lake of fire. With everyone that goes to hell there is not going to be anytime for a "ruler" to torment people. The burning flames and the pain is going to keep the people quite busy.

Hell was not created for man, hell was specifically created for the devil and the fallen angels. Matthew 25:41 ".....Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil an his angels:" So the whole design of hell was created to punish Satan and those that had fallen with him.

Something that was created to punish demons and the principalities and powers of the air, they are not going to have special privileges to punish people. They too will be punished.

Answer 2According to Hinduism, there are seven hells and the ruler of them all is called Yama. They claim that Yama or the Lord of hell is responsible for administering the relevant punishment appropriate to the particular crime. The inmate after serving the relevant punishment is then returned to earth as a new baby in an appropriate home with the opportunity to make amends and improve his/her moral standing.
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13y ago

demons dark spirits whats ever people wish to call them dont always livein hell alot are around us and most people cannt see them with there eyes but some people can sense them so listen to your feelings

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14y ago

Not me personally, but yes. We demons love to torture, and I myself just adore tickle-torturing cute young women from head to toe and up again, round 'n' round, tightly bound, slowly, lightly, lazily whilst whistling happily as I go. The girls love it, of course, always giggling squealing in delight as they writhe about in a passion of joy. I always give them a safeword that they can say if it they really want me to stop, but they never, ever say the whole thing. All they'd have to do is just utter but once, a simple, "Allabbadeescrumptiousgigglyfiddlely-bumpitycallyahahadilippitusmayberry" would bring it all to stop. Instead, they always seem intent to let it go on and on and on and on....

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14y ago

Is Allahu ta'ala incapable (never!) of inflicting torment on the Devil? It is written in Islamic books:

A certain place in Hell is called Zamharir. That is, it is cold Hell. Its cold is so vehement that it cannot be endured even for a moment. The faithless will be tormented by being thrown once into the cold Hell and then once into the hot one, and then again into the cold one and then again into the hot one. (Faraid-ul-fawaid)

It is written in Kimya-i Sa'adat and in other books by Hadrat Imam-i Ghazali that there are cold Zamharir torments in Hell. The first human was created from soil. Bodies of all other people are made up of earthen substances. But humans are flesh and bone, not soil. So is the case with genies. Though they are created from fire and air, they are not fire or air. Likewise, though the Devil was created

from fire and air, he is not fire or air. (Akam-il-Marjan)

Allahu ta'ala's power is infinite. He is not impotent. He can inflict torment on the Devil both in hot Hell and in cold Hell. Just as an iron hacksaw cuts iron, so fire can burn fire. Nothing is difficult for Allahu ta'ala. The Hellfire is so fierce that if a spark from it came to the world it would burn all things and reduce them to ashes. (Targhib)

Those who are well acquainted with science today know the fact that objects are composed of elements. For example, water forms when hydrogen gas, which is flammable, chemically combines with oxygen gas, which supports combustion. However, water is in no way similar to its constituents, oxygen and hydrogen. Likewise, though man was created from soil and genies and the Devil were created from fire and air, they do not resemble substances used in their creation.

In short, Allahu ta'ala is not incapable of punishing the unjust. He can punish them with fire or anything else, as well as with cold. The fire will not be the sole means of torment in Hell. Rather, there will be different kinds of torment.

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