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Q: Do corporations owe legal duties to shareholders and employees?
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Legal duties for employers and employees under the CDM?

sorry dont no :(

What is the goal of corporation?

Corporations are stand alone perpetual legal entities whose 'western' legal objective is profit maximization. Additional suggestions would be also to look after the welfare of all stake holders not just shareholders (i.e. employees, customers, state, environment etc., etc., etc.) The stake holder theory is starting to take ground especially after the debacle of 2007/8.

Why corporation defined as an artificial being?

Corporations are considered artificial beings because they are created and recognized as distinct legal entities separate from their owners or shareholders. This distinction allows corporations to enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own property, and conduct business activities independently of the individuals who established them.

How does double taxation of a corporate income occur?

Income to the corporation, as a legal "person", is taxable against the corporation. When the treasury pays dividends from its income to its shareholders, the dividend is taxable again as "income" to the shareholders. A "subchapter S-corporation" avoids this by skipping the corporate taxes and directly taxing the shareholders for any corporate income.

Profit maximizers sometimes argue that corporate are adequately controlled by legal rules. explain how the social responsibility advoctes respond to this assertion?

Social responsibility advocates disagree withÊclaims that corporations are adequately controlled by legal rules. They point out how the laws are set up in such a way that corporations have tax loopholes, and that many have set up top management bonus structures in such a way that it harms employees. The corporations which benefit their employees and communities do so because of independent decisions, not because there are laws in place which make them do so.

How do partnerships and corporations differ in accounting?

the main difference is that the earnings of the partnership pass directly to the owners/partners of the business. A corporation is a seperate legal entity and are taxed seperately and the earnings are only passed to the owners/shareholders when dividends are paid.

When does a corporation need a board of directors?

A corporation can be defined as a firm that meets certain legal requirements to be recognized as having a legal existence, as an entity separate and distinct from its owners . Corporations are owned by their stockholders (shareholders ) who share in profits and losses generated through the firm's operations , and have three distinct characteristics

When does a corporation needs a board of directors?

A corporation can be defined as a firm that meets certain legal requirements to be recognized as having a legal existence, as an entity separate and distinct from its owners . Corporations are owned by their stockholders (shareholders ) who share in profits and losses generated through the firm's operations , and have three distinct characteristics

How can a directors can be remove?

Artticles of Amendment Directors are elected to their positions by the shareholders of the corporation. The shareholders have the legal power to remove directors.

What are the major features of a close corporation?

A close corporation typically has a limited number of shareholders, often family members or close associates, who have a more active role in managing the company. Share transfer restrictions are common, allowing existing shareholders to maintain control. Close corporations often operate with less formalities and paperwork compared to larger corporations.

What is the important of the company?

The company policy manuals give information about the company history, its mission, and procedures. It gives employees vital information on safety, their duties, and legal and ethical issues.

What has the author Demetra Arsalidou written?

Demetra Arsalidou has written: 'The impact of modern influences on the traditional duties of care, skill, and diligence of company directors' -- subject(s): Directors of corporations, Legal status, laws