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Yes, if the contract a consumer signed with the Original Creditor (OC) allows for transfer of their rights to a Collection Agency (CA) when a defaulted account is sold or assigned.

It is not customary for CA's to have contractual agreements between themselves and the consumer. Typically they collect on debts under the terms of the contractual agreement between the OC and consumer. They also rely upon their contract with the OC, which grants them certain rights.

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Q: Do collection agencies have the right to file collection on a credit report since you never signed or agreed to a contract with that company?
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Do collection agencies have the right to collect payments since you never signed or agreed to a contract with that company?

Yes, they are contracted to collect on behalf of the original creditor and it's contracts with you.

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Collection agencies can only charge interest if you agreed to it in your original contract. If they actually bought the debt they shouldn't be able to charge any additional interest on it since you did not sign a contract with them allowing them to do so. Please keep in mind that not all collection agencies buy debt. Some are still collecting on behalf of the original creditor which means interest and fees could continue to accrue.

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Sorry but yes they can. In the original contract there was a clause about what actions could be taken if you defaulted on the agreement and one of those actions is that the account could be turned over to a collection agency. So, even though you didn't directly enter into a contract with the collection agency you agreed to abide by the contract and the collection agency now legally owns the contract. It works the same way as when you purchase a house. At some point the original lender on a house may sell the contract and you will be paying a different lender.

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To fulfill the obligations that they have agreed to in the contract.

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It is whatever you agreed to when you signed the contract, the dates are set at that time.

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Even if you do not have a written contract you still have a verbal contract if someone has agreed to rent you an apartment for a specific price. Verbal contracts are also enforceable (although not as easily as written contracts, since there may be no concrete evidence about what exactly was agreed). In any event, if you agreed to pay rent, then you do owe the rent that you agreed to pay, contract or no contract.

If a collection sHow is up on your credit report does it affect you the same way regardless of the reason for the collection?

I would imaging that it would. A collection is a collection, reguardles if it is becasue you refuse to pay it or you want to pay, but you can't. You may be able to work with the collection company to get a payment plan started and have them upadte it to "Paying as agreed"

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Depends on the contract you have agreed to with your employment. So sometimes yes sometimes no, read your contract.

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no i dont. if i agreed with you does that mean we have a contract??