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You need to check your particular state laws. In a community property state each spouse owns a one-half share of the marital property. In some states a spouse can dispose of their interest by their will to someone other than their surviving spouse.

Upon the death of one spouse state laws vary on intestate (without a will) inheritance. In some, the surviving spouse inherits their deceased spouse's share if there are children of the marriage. In some the surviving spouse receives only a half of that share if there are children by a former marriage. In Louisiana the share of a deceased spouse in community property passes to their estate if they had children but the surviving spouse can use the property until death or remarriage. If the deceased had no children the community property passes to the surviving spouse.

People who own property in a community property state should consult with an attorney about estate planning. If you are a surviving child then you should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law.

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Generally, the children are the fee owners of the property. However, the property is subject to their mother's life estate. She has the right to the use and possession of the property for the duration of her natural life. If the children want to sell or refinance the property they must have mother's consent in writing.

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12y ago

The children have the right to inherit the property as outlined in the will or in line with state intestacy laws.

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Q: Do children have rights in or to community property if father dies but mother is living?
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