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kids,adults,any human being

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Q: Do cannibals eat kids
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Related questions

Are cannibals allowed to eat human flesh?

Cannibals are not allowed to eat people. but eating people is why they are cannibals so...............................................they do anyway.

Snakes are cannibals aren't they?

No, snakes are not cannibals. There are snakes that eat other snakes, but cannibals are humans who eat human flesh.

What eats cannibals?

they eat on human flesh

What is the collective noun for cannibals?

the collective noun for cannibals is a group as cannibals are just people who eat meat!

What do Goldenrods eat?

They eat Goldenrods.... They are cannibals.

Can cannibals eat people?

To be a cannibal you HAVE to eat people.

Do cannibals eat hearts?


Who are the cannibals?

Cannibals are people who eat other people. It's pretty gross actually. : P

How many llamas are cannibals?

Llamas are herbivores; they don't eat meat and thus cannot be cannibals.

Can a penguin eat a penguin?

no penguins are not cannibals

What did ancient Tonga's eat?

They were cannibals back then.

Why do you eat people?

Because if you are what you eat, then cannibals are the only real people.