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It does under common law where you must have a real flesh and blood victim and evidence of harm, fraud, damage to property or disturbance of the peace. Common law has a long history. It is hard to create oppressive laws under a common law system so judges, lawyers, legislators and politicians don't like common law and do their best to usurp it.

Most laws however, are statutory. Under statutory law victims can be invented or made up e.g. the State, society, God, the people, the corporation, consenting adults etc. Statutory law is necessary to create victimless crimes like gambling, drug use, immorality, tax evasion and prostitution.

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Yes. Without a victim, there is no crime.

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What type of victim compensation laws provide this for victims of some crimes?

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According to one scholar as much as what percentage of crimes are precipitated by the victims?

Victims precipitate 0% of all crimes. The decision to commit the crime is still made by the perpetrator and always precipitated by that person. No matter how dumb, naive, careless, greedy, or even guilty of a crime the victim may be, the person who decides to commit the crime against them is still the perpetrator and the person who was subject to the crime is still the victim. The percentage of occurrence that the perpetrator is the only victim of their own crime is negligible, and that person is still the perpetrator.

When did Jack the Ripper's crimes happen?

It is hard to determine the scope of the Ripper's crimes when there are so many different opinions as to who was or was not a victim. In all probability Martha Tabram was a victim. Tabram preceeded Mary Ann Nichols in death by several weeks. It is also believed that the Ripper killed at least until 1891, and a good possiblity even beyond this date. It is relatively safe to say that the Ripper's crimes began as early as the murder of Tabram on August 7, 1888 to the February 13, 1891 murder of Frances Coles.

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identification of the perpetrator by the victim or witnesses