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Legally, yes.

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Q: Do I have to have a reason to evict my tenant?
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Related questions

Can a public housing authority evict a disabled tenant?

Whether a tenant is disabled does not have a bearing on whether he can be evicted. If a PHA has the right to evict a tenant then it can evict such person regardless of disability.

Can a landlord evict a tenant because the tenant got arrested?

Possibly, if the reason for the arrest was related to the residence, like if they robbed the liquor store next door. Most states allow a landlord to evict a tenant with very short notice if drugs were found in the unit, especially if this is subsidized housing.

Can a cosigner on a lease evict a tenant?


Can a landlord evict someone living on their property when they haven't signed a lease?

I am presuming we have three components here: a landlord, a tenant, and a subtenant. The landlord in this case is presumably renting to a tenant, while the tenant is presumably renting to a subtenant. I presume that tenant has a lease while the subtenant doesn't. The tenant becomes the landlord for the subtenant. Since there is no lease (in most states subletting does not involve a lease) in this case, the tenant who is the subtenant landlord can evict the subtenant. While the main landlord can evict the tenant -which automatically evicts the subtenant -only the tenant can evict the subtenant. But the main landlord can evict all by evicting the tenant.

How do you evict a tenant in Massachusetts who was left in the house after a divorce?

The divorce has nothing to do with the landlord-tenant relationship. And, if there is a lease, and the rent is getting paid, there is no reason to evict. If the rent is in arrears, the landlord should serve the tenant a 14-day notice to quit, then (if needed) buy a summons and complaint from a court and have it served by a constable.

Can a lordlord evict a tenant without taking them to court?

A landlord must file an eviction through the Civil Court in order to evict a tenant.

What does it mean to evict a tenant?

To kick your guest out

Can you evict if your tenant is a threat to you?

You can evict a tenant when the tenant breaks the lease or rental contract by not paying rent or lease payments. You can also evict a tenant who breaks a lease by breaking rules listed on the lease.

Can a landlord evict tenant for lying on lease?


Can a tenant sue a sub tenant?

Yes. The tenant should be considered the landlord of the sub-tenant. Therefore, he can evict, just like any landlord.

What can I do if the tenant owes three months and refuses to move?

Evict him.

Can a landloard evict a tenant if the place is not kept clean?
