I think guys think about sex,girls,sports,and money.
You are allowed to date them but you cant have sex with them. It does not matter if you guys are a day apart..you cannot have sex until both of you are eighteen
I don't think it is legal because you have to be 16 to have sex (: i think ...
You guys could go to the movies, parks, amusement parks, arcades. you guys could hangout. Anything really, but sex.
You guys could go to the movies, parks, amusement parks, arcades. you guys could hangout. Anything really, but sex.
It depeends is it true love or is it just for the sex think about it.
Yes, if it's ok with your parents. But, guys in their 20's usually want to have sex.
Yes because she wants to have sex with a guy eith that age
All guys want sex:P even 11 year old boys. If they can get it they will:P
It is if they are of the opposite sex. Wait, why? Whats the difference of what the sex is??? I think it is more appropriate for it to be of the same sex.
This would be illegal behaviour in most Countries.
Well if u really wanna squeeze a guys thingy ask him out and then tell him u wanna hav sex