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the elements of contract are multifaceted and can be discribed by many in so many ways.

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Q: Discuss the elements of valid contract?
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What are elements of contract?

the contract finish /dead time must be valid. this is the most important one.

Key elements of a valid contract?

A valid contract includes an offer by one party, acceptance by the other party, consideration exchanged between the parties, legal capacity of the parties to enter into the contract, and a legal purpose for the contract. These elements are essential for a contract to be legally enforceable.

Explain the elements of a valid contract?

For a contract to be valid, it must contain an offer, acceptance of that offer, consideration (something of value exchanged), legal capacity of the parties involved, and a lawful purpose. Additionally, the agreement must be made by parties who have the intention to create a legally binding relationship.

What is a valid sale and give examples?

VALID SALE ( Bai Sahih)-a sale is valid if all elements together with their conditions arepresent-elements of valid sale are•Contract ( Aqd )•Subject matter ( Mabe'e)•Price ( Thaman )•Possession or delivery ( Qabza )

What is the Difference between valid and void contract?

A valid contract is legally enforceable and meets all the essential elements required by law, such as mutual assent, consideration, capacity, legality, and proper form. On the other hand, a void contract is not legally binding from the beginning due to a fundamental flaw, such as illegality, lack of capacity, impossibility, or violation of public policy. A void contract is treated as if it never existed, while a valid contract creates legal obligations between the parties.

Describe the 4 elements required in a valid common law contract?

offer acceptance counter-offer request of information

What are the five elements which must be present in a contract to make it valid?

Agreement Consideration Legal Object Competent Parties Legal Form

What are the examples of essentialia of a contract?

valid contract

If an item line of a contract is changed and not initialed by both party's is it still a valid contract?

No. It is no longer valid.

How can misrepresentation affect a valid contract?

When someone is induced into entering into a contract as a result of a false statement.

Define contractGive essential elements of a valid contract?

An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.(agreement+enforceability by law=contract) Elements: 1) proposal and acceptance 2) lawful consideration 3) free consent 4) writing and registration. 5) legal relationship 6) capacity of parties. 7) possibility of performance.

Should court enforce all contracts?

There are Essential elements for valid contract, contract can be either by writing or orally. Literal and Unilateral contract are both enforceable contract under mistake example at common law are likely to be declare null and void, but equity may apply flexible measures like specific performance, injunction, rectification etc. Contract with a minor is valid and may enforce if its necessary for their necessity. Contract for illegal activities are non enforceable.