The State- an association defined by its territory, population, government and sovereignty.
The State function- the set of purposes of the state which are legislative, executive, judiciary and external participation in international affairs.
state function did not depend on the path , it depends on the initial and final point of the system where as path function depends on the path of the reaction.
A state table defines the behaviour of the of the sequantial function
fundamental difference between a polynomial function and an exponential function?
the difference is ,a structure is where it is placed and the function is what it daos
the difference is ,a structure is where it is placed and the function is what it daos
the difference is ,a structure is where it is placed and the function is what it daos
Disease is any change from a state of health; impaired body function.
From what I understand, agent function is a program that maps the percepts to action and update the internal state. an agent program actually implements the agent function
A function has no repeated x values
A function has no repeated x values
t is the diffrence between a rational funcrion and a linerar and polynomial function