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No. The anti slavery movement found completion of its goals with the passage of the 13th Amendment and both the 14th and 15th Amendment are wholly unnecessary. The 15th Amendment seeks to grant former slaves the right to vote, yet being free and emancipated by the 13th Amendment those former slaves, who all ready possessed natural rights even before the passage of the 13th Amendment did not need a 15th Amendment to guarantee them the right to vote. Being a whole person as opposed to a "three fifths" person should have solidified the former slaves opportunity to vote. If they were being denied that opportunity by criminals who sought to prevent the former slaves from being free, a simple law prohibiting such activities would have sufficed. Amendments are found in the Bill of Rights where certain natural rights are acknowledged and not granted, that is until the passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments. These two Amendments are horrible and bungled attempts to rectify the "three fifths" nonsense, but the 13th Amendment all ready did this. Now we have two examples of legal precedent where the government is granting to people the natural rights they all ready possessed.

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Q: Did the passage of the fifteenth amendment mark the end of the American anti-slavery society as its work was now complete?
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