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Technically, the "war on terrorism" is not a war. Bush never declared a war and he never got the approval of congress to go into Iraq.

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Q: Did bush declare war after September 11?
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The September 11 2001 attacks on The World Trade Center and the pentagon prompted president George W Bush to?

declare a global war on terror and send U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

When did England declare war with Germany in 1939?

11:15 on September 3rd

Who really did September 11?

George W. Bush

Bush created what after September 11?

the patriot act

When was Bush at War created?

Presidency of George W. Bush was created in 2001.

How does September 11 tie to the Iraq war?

9/11 caused George W. Bush to launch a war against terrorism. When we went looking for Bin Laden in Afganistan, it brought us to the conflict occurring in Iraq

What did Priesednt Bush declare on 9- 11?


When did US declare war on Hitler?

The 11 of December 1941.

Who was the USA President on September 11 2001?

George W. Bush

Who was president on the day September 11 2001?

George W. Bush.

What caused England to declare war and start World War 2?

because Neville chamberlain sent a message to Hitler by radio telling him if he didn't get out of Poland by 11 am on September 1st we would declare war he did not get out of Poland so we did declare war.

When did Germany declare war against the US?

December 11, 1941.