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Q: Did any of Albert Pierrepoint's 'victims' deserve what they got?
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Considering he ate all his known victims, one would think not. It's okay. I'm dissapointed, too.

Should victims be treated with compassion and respect for their dignity?

to be valid in society wethout any rejection of the community members by insulting but by giving suuport and respect to victim of crime as they deserve it wethout any rejectio

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Albert Einstein

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Any victims that the Nazi's thought necessary. Jews, Homosexuals, Blacks, Gypsies, people who opposed Hitler, ect.

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Albert Einstein had one sister, Maja who married Albert's brother in law Paul Winteler

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In any way they can think of.

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to be valid in society wethout any rejection of the community members by insulting but by giving suuport and respect to victim of crime as they deserve it wethout any rejectio

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