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Yes, he was convicted on 2 counts of tax evasion and served 1 year in Federal prison.

He was not convicted of tax evasion, but was convicted of using his ministry housing allowance for two parsonages, which the court tried to say was illegal. He served ten months in the Atlanta camp. In 2012 the highest tax court in the United States finally closed the case when the panel of judges ruled that in fact, Mr. Driscoll had done nothing wrong and nothing illegal and had not abused the minister's housing allowance.

It was written up in the Wall Street Journal, among other places.

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11mo ago

Yes, Phil Driscoll, a Trumpet player and Christian Music artist, went to jail for tax evasion in 2007. He was sentenced to one year in federal prison for failing to pay taxes on more than $1.5 million in income.

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Q: Did Phil Driscoll go to jail for tax evasion?
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Once someone is found guilty of tax evasion some of the penalties associated with this crime range from being fined to jail time. The IRS and the CID are responsible for enforcing penalties associated with tax evasion.

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Are Mark Driscoll and Phil Driscoll related?

NO! Absolutely not! Mark Driscoll is a man of integrity who pastors a Church in Seattle. Phil Driscoll is the trumpeter / crook who has been incarcerated for tax evasion. Mark Driscoll has a very sound reformed theology while Phil Driscoll practices the cultic word of faith dogma. This answer is in fact a slanderous answer and the writer should have researched the facts instead of being led by his emotions. Mr. Driscoll is a man of integrity who has never deviated from the call of God nor the Word of the Bible. His incarceration was unfounded, which has since been proved. He has been proved innocent by the highest tax court in the land (Well documented by the Wall Street Journal among others) and it's been established that he was used as a scapegoat, as have other ministers during the last decade. Mr. Driscoll is a man of integrity as any of the well-known people he works with, ministers to and plays music with will testify. Check you facts before you make false allegations.