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Yes. They are still committing genocide. Check the borders, and all the illegals, drug smugglers, and gun runners.

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Q: Did Mexicans commit genocide against the Americans during the Texas Revolution?
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The Taos together with the Mexicans revolted against the Americans in 1847. The revolution was on January 19,1847 in New Mexico.

Did us outnumber Mexico in the Mexican war?

Yes. In military terms, there were 60,000 Mexicans against 90,000 Americans. In population terms, there were 6 million Mexicans against 19 million Americans.

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He was a moderate, never wanting to have an armed revolution against Mexico.

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Primarily the English.

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The American Revolution was a revolt against Britain's perceived oppression.

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If you were a Patriot in the American Revolution you were an American against the British.

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He was against imperialism. He lead a revolution for the Latin Americans. He fought against it.

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Henry Clinton was a British General in the American Revolution. He was against the Americans.

Why go against genocide?

Because genocide is wrong.

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An allience between the Americans and French against the british in the revolution.

How many battles were fought in the Texas Revolution?

78643876836589689564869 battles were fought!!!!!!!!!