The nature of the relationship between Borden and O'Neil may differ depending on who you ask. My own opinion, based on my research, is that it is very possible the friendship between the two women may have been romantic (sexual). It has been speculated that this "friendship" was the catalyst for the falling out of Lizzie and older sister Emma Borden. Emma moved out of Maplecroft, and the two remained estranged for the rest of their lives. At the time of their deaths, just weeks apart, Lizzie, or "Lizbeth" as she liked to be called, had spent a great portion of her inheritance, while Emma, who lived a very simple and fugal life, retained the bulk of her father's money plus interest.
The combination of Lizzie's inappropriate relationship with the actress O'Neil and suspicion of her sister's guilt in the murder of the elder Bordens, it is not at all surprising that there was a rift between the siblings that was irreparable.
Oneil Levy was born in 1983.
yes there is as im called vanessa oneil
No but he likes Amy oneil
It comes from the word Pride.
Tylar Agness Leishman<3
he wear a size 24
she cheated on him with Ryan oneil
Good feeling by flo rida
Craig oneil
Justin Bieber :)
Probally about 300