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Intellectual property rights is the legal right to property owned by a content creator, and often protected through the use of a trademark or copyright. This content is the creator's intellectual property.

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Q: Deference between Intellectual property and intellectual property right?
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What is the difference between intellectual property rights and intellectual property law?

Intellectual property law defines intellectual property rights.

What is the foreground intellectual property?

"Foreground intellectual property" is commonly the new intellectual property which is developed arising out of a relationship between two companies collaborating together. Contrasted with "Background Intellectual Property" which would be the intellectual property developed independently by each individual company prior to entering into the collaboration relationship. If two companies are collaborating together, they both may contribute background intellectual property from previous work they have done (and which they will normally own themselves but licence to the other for the purposes of developing the new product) - together the new product they develop which arises out of the collaboration and the background IP will form foreground intellectual property.

What is difference in value between intellectual and sensual pleasures?

intellectual is of the mind, sensual is of the body

How are royalties different from any other payment?

they are paid between companies for intellectual property or physical assests by the licencee

What is the difference between property and intellectual property?

To further understand Intellectual Property here's a simple comparison between tangible property and intellectual property:Tangible PropertyIntellectual PropertyIf you want to permanently transfer tangible property, you sell that property.If you want to permanently transfer intellectual property, you assign rights in that propertyIf you want to acquire temporary rights to tangible property such as a house or car, you rent or lease them from someone.If you want temporary rights to someone else's intellectual property, you license those rights.To relinquish your rights to tangible property without receiving any compensation, you give away the property.To do the same thing with intellectual property rights, you would waive those rights.If someone takes your tangible property without your consent, that property is considered stolen.If someone uses your about patents, copyrights, or trademarks without your permission, those rights are considered to be infringedIf someone uses your trade secrets without permission they are misappropriated.When any property, tangible or intangible, is sold or assigned, the new owner has full control over that property and can resell it, change it, destroy it, or give it away without the consent of the former owner.When intellectual property is licensed, the licensor may impose restrictions on what the licensee can and cannot do with the licensed material. Those uses and restrictions would be included in the license grant.Items that are sold usually have minimal restrictions and can be resold or transferredIntellectual Property usually includes restrictions such as how long the licensee can continue to use the intellectual property, whether the licensee can copy the Intellectual Property, and whether the licensee can disclose the intellectual property to others.Hardware is soldSoftware is licensedThe purchaser has full ownership subject to any liens or encumberancesThe licensee has a right to use the licensed materials subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the licensor in the license grant .

What is the difference between tangible property and intellectual property?

The biggest difference, and the one cited most frequently in arguments about copyright and filesharing, is that if I take your physical property, you don't have it anymore. You had a screwdriver, now I have a screwdriver. But with intellectual property, there's no thing changing hands: you had a song, now we each have a song.Intellectual property rights also expire after a set period of time. After a while, you can use my song without my permission. But you always need permission to use my screwdriver.The most esoteric difference is that real property has inherent value, while intellectual property does not. An actual car has a known worth; the patents that make up that car, and the trademarks the car is sold under, only have value in relation to the actual car.

The three primary purposes of NAFTA include the?

Promotion of fair competitionProtection and enforcement of intellectual property rightsEstablishment of a framework for further cooperation between the countries

Is there a difference between snopa and sopa?

YES - there are significant differences between the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the 'Social Networking On-line Protection Act (SNOPA). SOPA was supposed to protect intellectual property owners from having their intellectual property stolen or devalued through copyright infringement and counterfeiting. SNOPA is supposed to prohibit employers and certain other entities from requiring or requesting that employees and certain other individuals provide a user name, password, or other means for accessing a personal account on any social networking website. It is intended to protect privacy, not intellectual property rights.

What is the breakdown of word intellectual in terms of prefix root suffix?

The breakdown of the word "intellectual" is as follows: "intel-" is a prefix meaning "between," "lectual" is a root meaning "mind," and the suffix "-al" is used to form an adjective. So "intellectual" overall means relating to the mind or intellect.

Is there a relationship between intellectual salons and beauty salons?

Yes. You have to be a well-paid prostitute.

Would it be accurate to define an argument as a dispute characterized by anger exchanges?

An argument is an intellectual discourse with two or more opposing views. Angry exchanges occur between opposing views but have no intellectual content.

What is the relationship between copyright law and intellectual property?

Intellectual property is an "umbrella term" covering copyright, patent, trademark, etc. Copyright is a specific term referring to the protections in place for authors of certain original works.