Without any further information, it probably means that the defendant's "application to set' was not granted.
The plural possessive form of "defendant" is "defendants'".
Defenadnt'S is singular but "defendants" is plural.
Can mean several things. If the questioner has spelled sepArate correctly - it sounds like they might be instructions to keep multiple defendants in the same crime separated from one another. If the word is actually spelled sepErate it might mean - if two defendants are charged with the same crime it could mean that the two must be tried individually and not together.
what does Source Details mean on a job application
its mean Application centre, bute here its mean Abudhabi Application centre
Of course it is. Defendants are not criminals.
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Without knowing something more about the case and court action, an opinion cannot be offered.
Plaintiffs do not have a surrebuttal. They have a rebuttal. Defendants reply is the surreebuttal. Plaintiffs case in chief Defendants case in chief Plaintiffs rebuttal Defendants surrebuttal
I am unfamiliar with (never heard of) the "effectiveness defense" and (in the U.S.) there are no defendants charged with "torture."
The prosecutor tries the defendants and presents evidence to find the defendants guilty.