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Social Security is income for purposes of determining amount of child support.

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Q: Could a father pay some form of support or child care for an autistic child even if father is on Social Security?
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If the father who pays child support dies to you still get child support from the government?

Social security

Does the father have to pay child support or child care for an autistic child if the father is on SSI?

No. SSI recipients are not liable for child support.

What happens to child support payments when army father dies?

They end. The child may be entitled to Social Security benefits from the father.

My daughter's mother draws social security through here father she was disabled before 18 does she have to pay child support?

I know if you receive SSI or SSDI you have not paid enough into the Social Security fund to receive legitimate Social Security so therefore it cannot be garnished for child support. So if they were not gainfully employed long enough to accrue some social security they do not have to pay you support.

Can social security help you get child support if the father gets disability?

No, but the child is potentially eligible for RSDI payments based on his disabled father's eligibility, and these payments would count toward the father's child support obligation.

Can an absent father who does not pay child support be traced?

Yes social security can track him down through the tax department.

What happens to back child support when the father's income is Social Security?

The support is still owed and SS benefits of any sort are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

Can I seek child support from father after 23 years. I never had a address and he changed his social security number so I could not get child support. He has just contacted the child with a address?


Can social security claim money from deceased father after one year?

Yes, social security money can be claimed from a deceased father after one year.

If you have a child who is now 8 and autistic and you have been receiving much needed child support for him from his father will you lose that child support if you chose to remarry?

No, it will have no effect.

I jsut want to know if I can still receive child support arrears from the father's surviving social security benefits. he passed away and I am unsure. My child is away in college ?

Yes, the passing away of your father doesn't affect your child support so you will continue to receive it.

How do you file for social security for a decease child father?

if father dead, you need custody of child