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2 houses

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Q: Congress is divided into
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How is Egyptian history divided?

by congress

What congress divided Germany and Italy during World War 1?

It was the congress of Vienna It was the congress of Vienna

Congress is divided into two what?

The first of two parts of the congress is the house. The second part of congress is the senate.

What is the name given to the senate and house of representatives?

It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

How are the duties of the congress divided between the house and senate?

the duties of the congress divided between the house and senate are that the senate tends to have more power than representatives

What three parts is the congress divided into?

The U.S. Congress is divided into three parts: the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President. Each part plays a specific role in the legislative process.

What is the name of the house for the senate and house?

It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

How many incumbent democratic presidents have won re-election with a divided congress?

Clinton in 1996 was elected with a divided Congress in place. Truman (1948) and Roosevelt (1932) actually ran and won while the Republicans controlled Congress. They saw a Democratic Congress swept in on their coat-tails.

What is the term when the US Congress is divided into two houses?


Into what two houses is the congress divided?

The House of Representatives and Senate.

Congress is divided into two houses: _____________ and ____________?

House of Representatives and Senate

What two houses congress is divided into?

The House of Representatives and Senate.