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You make a baby, you pay for a baby! Everybody has choices and the consequences of those choices don't only lay on the shoulders of the mom. The best advice I can give is to get to know this child. The more time you spend with him/her, the lower child support will be. Oh...and keep your pants on in the future. :)

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Q: Child support for a one night stand?
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Do you have to pay child support if it was a one night stand and the mother didn't want you involved and got married and move to another state without a trace and your state still taxes you?

Yes. Whether it was a one night stand or a ten year stand, a child resulted from it and you are responsible for supporting that child.Yes. Whether it was a one night stand or a ten year stand, a child resulted from it and you are responsible for supporting that child.Yes. Whether it was a one night stand or a ten year stand, a child resulted from it and you are responsible for supporting that child.Yes. Whether it was a one night stand or a ten year stand, a child resulted from it and you are responsible for supporting that child.

Can you claim child support from a one night stand years later?

If the child is definitely yours, then certainly.

Can a woman make a man from a one night stand do a DNA test?

This probably varies by state however in order to obtain child support you will need to prove who the father of the child is. If you believe someone from a one night stand is the father, and know his name and his whereabouts you can have the court order a DNA test for this person. If he refuses to submit to the test, in most states he would be declared the father. In fact, if he refuses the test and is deemed the father of the child and it is later found that he is not, in most states he is still required to continue to pay support.

Has everyone had a one night stand?

No, everyone has not had a one night stand.

When was One Night Stand created?

One Night Stand was created in 1989.

How can a person collect child support when they have to pay child support?

You sue the person for child support. Just because you pay child support for one child does not mean you can not receive child support for the one you have custody of.

If your husband had a one-night stand that resulted in a pregnancy can he give up his parental rights so he does not have to pay child support or be involved in the child's life?

Giving up parental rights doesn't get him out of his obligations. If he does so to allow someone else to adopt, that can relieve him of the financial burden.

What are the release dates for Night Stand - 1995 One-Night-Stand Reunions 1-15?

Night Stand - 1995 One-Night-Stand Reunions 1-15 was released on: USA: 1995

You had a one night stand with no condom and the guy pulled out the doctor told you i got pregnant a week later could it be from the one night stand?

It depends on when the one night stand was. If it was a week before you got pregnant, then yes, it probably is from the one night stand. If you had sex after the one night stand, then it could be the other time you had sex

When was One Night Stand - musical - created?

One Night Stand - musical - was created in 1980.

When was One Night Stand - opera - created?

One Night Stand - opera - was created in 2011.

When was Thumbelina's One Night Stand created?

Thumbelina's One Night Stand was created in 2006.