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A child born out of wedlock means only the mother has legal custody. Paternity must be established by a court order or stipulation.

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Q: Child born out of wedlock mean both parents have joint custody?
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Related questions

Who has child custody in divorce when their is no custody set?

The parents have assumed joint custody.

In Pennsylvania can you move out of state with joint custody?

Joint custody is a court order whereby custody of a child is awarded to both parties. In joint custody both parents are "custodial parents" and neither parent is a non-custodial parents, or in other words the child has two custodial parents.

How is joint custody of a child decided?

Joint custody of a child can be decided by the parents whereby they share responsibilities for the child. Schedules can be worked out so the child spends time with both parents. Courts can also decide to award parents joint custody in the case of legal disputes and indeed some states have a preference for this in law.

Can a parent with joint custody move with child without the other parents permission?


If both parents have joint legal custody who decides to send child to boarding school?

If both parents have joint legal custody, both parents must agree on the child going to boarding school. If one parent made the decision with out the input of the other, this would break the custody agreement.

What or who defines child custody?

Parental Custody is whoever the child lives with. Joint custody is when a child lives part time with both parents or when each parent shares in raising the child. They make decisions together.

What exactly is physical custody?

Physical custody means that a person (typically the parent) has the right to have the child living with them. This could be sole physical custody, or even joint physical custody in which the parents share custody of their child.

Do joint legal custody give a father rights to their child's medical records?

Joint legal custody typically gives both parents the right to access their child's medical records, unless otherwise specified in the custody agreement or by a court order. It is important for both parents to communicate and cooperate on matters related to the child's healthcare.

Can you remove a child from another state if you have joint custody?

No, you cannot move a child out of state if you have joint custody.

Your ex husband has joint custody do your children have to go with him?

when joint custody is in place both parents have the same rights. unless stipulated in court records. Joint means both so when ever the other parent is suppose to have visitation with the child the child / children must go. review documents that grant Joint custody.

How is a ssi disabilitie check divided on a child if the parents have joint legal custody?

the SSDI check goes to the parent with primary physical custody, that is the law

Can you gain sole custody of a child by receiving child support?

Depends on circumstances. A single mother has a presumption of sole custody at the time of the birth of the child. Where married parents are separated, there is a presumption of joint physical custody whether or not support is ordered.