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assault and battery.

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Q: Castration or sterilization of another person without legal permission is considered to be?
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What is another term for male castration?

Emasculation is another word that is sometimes used for castration of a male.

What is another word for orchiectomy?

Another word for orchiectomy is castration

Would a 18 year old need a parent permission inorder to get married?

If you are in the United States, no. If you are in another country, please check the age in which you are considered legally an adult. Whatever age that is, you do not need your parent's permission in order to get married.

How does one get permission to translate a book from English into another language?

by permission from author and publisher

When hiring a coach or interviewing what constitutes tampering?

If a coach is under contract, permission must be granted from the team the coach is under contract to for an interview to take place. Tampering would be when a team goes behind another team's back, so to speak, to talk to a coach under an existing contract. Teams that are still alive in the playoffs can give permission to a coach to talk to another team. If they don't give permission and another team contacts the coach about another job that would be considered tampering.

If your YouTube video is posted on another website without your permission being asked is that considered theft of the material?

yes it is contact the website creator and ask to remove it if you want .

How can you know your boyfriend is faithful?

routine rod-cell samples if you see another human cell signature feel free to use castration.

If your partner is sterilized and now wants another child what options are available?

If there is corrective surgery to reverse the cause of the sterilization, that is one option. Another option is adoption.

Can an employer reveal my wages to another company if I have not given permission?

If you filled out an application for a job, you signed a paper giving them permission to inquire about you. No other permission is needed.

Do you need written permission to drive another persons car in Maryland?

No you don't. Simple oral permission will suffice.

What can a father do if the mother of his children took the kids and moved to another state without his permission?

What can a father do if the mother of. His children took the kids and moved to another state without permission.

What act of violence is the intentional damage to another persons property?

Vandalism is the act of intentionally damaging another person's property. This can include graffiti, destruction of objects, or defacement of buildings without permission. It is considered a criminal offense in many jurisdictions.