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Cases (1) that involve a question of federal law and (2) cases in which the plaintiff and defendant are in different states and there is more than $75,000 at stake.

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Cases involving federal law where the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. For example, bankruptcy or admiralty law are both areas of exclusive federal jurisdiction.

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What kind of cases are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts?

Cases involving federal law.

What are the 3 types of cases where the federal courts have jurisdiction over cases involving subject matter?

Federal courts have subject matter jurisdiction over all matters involving federal law.

Jurisdiction of the federal courts does NOT include cases involving?


Can federal courts hear any cases they want?

No.No. Only cases involving federal laws and federal jurisdiction.

What is the role of the federal courts?

Federal courts hear cases involving violation of Federal Statutes - State courts hear violations of statutes promulgated by their state legislatures.

What is the role of federal and state courts?

Federal courts hear cases involving violation of Federal Statutes - State courts hear violations of statutes promulgated by their state legislatures.

Jurisdiction of the federal courts does not include cases involving what?

Federal courts cannot hear cases concerning divorce. Marriage is a contract between the state and a married couple and it can only be decided in state court.

Do US District Courts hear matters concerning federal bankruptcy laws?

No. Cases involving federal bankruptcy law are heard in the 94 US Bankruptcy Courts.

Which Article of the Constitution gives federal courts the right to rule on cases involving the Constitution federal laws or treaties?

Article lll

Why are most criminal cases heard in state courts?

Most criminal cases are heard in state courts because criminal law is primarily under the jurisdiction of state governments. States have their own criminal codes and court systems to handle cases involving violations of state laws. Federal courts typically only hear criminal cases involving violations of federal laws.

What is the court of original jurisdiction in the federal system?

US District Courts have original jurisdiction in most cases of general jurisdiction; however the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in a limited class of cases, such as those involving disputes between the states.

Federal courts have the legal authority over several things name two?

Federal courts have legal authority over cases involving federal laws and the interpretation of the United States Constitution. They also have jurisdiction over cases involving disputes between different states or between the United States and a foreign country.