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In the US, dissolution of marriage and division of property laws are established by state law.

If the couple reside in a community property state all marital property and debts incurred in the marriage will be divided equally, (Texas and Wisconsin have exceptions to what constitutes marital debt).

If the couple do not reside in a CP state marital property is divided by means of equitable distribution, but that does not mean that each party receives equal amounts. For example, if the wife keeps the home, then a portion of the amount of equity in the home can be off set by other assets or property and awarded to the husband.

The issue of infidelity is grounds for divorce but it does not have a bearing on how assets and property are divided, that is determined by the applicable laws, not the moral issues surrounding the dissolution of the marriage itself.

Other Contributor OpinionsUsually the house and contents are divided equally (the house will be sold unless you or your wife can buy it from the other) and if you have children the judge could see fit to be sure your wife gets the house and perhaps a vehicle and of course child support.

She can try but if she's not entitled to it and you fight her then you will get your fair share. She obviously is going to be difficult because your leaving her for another woman. I say get a really good lawyer, go to him with all your assests, I mean everything that the two of you amassed together and get half.....Try one time to appeal to her sensible side, if there is one and let her know that the relationship was over a long time ago and you just want to move on with your life and not have to fight about everything.

NO. In most states it is 50/50 no matter what the cause or fault.

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