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No your new husband can't adopt your children if there dad is active in there life and pays you support. Why would you want to do that?

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Q: Can your new husband adopt your children their father is still alive and active in their life and pays child support?
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If your children were close with their father you should attend the funeral to be there to support your children.

Can the current wife sue her husband's ex-wife for child support?

No. If your present husband is the father of the children of his previous marriage and is the custodial parent he would have to sue his ex-wife (the children's mother) for support.

If a spouse in Georgia gets welfare for her and 2 children will the state go after the father and husband for the money?

Up to the limit of child support laws.

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Does your husband have to provide financial support when he walks out on children?

In most cases, a husband is legally required to provide financial support for his children, regardless of whether he walks out on them or not. This support is typically enforced through child support laws to ensure that the children's basic needs are met. It's important to consult with a legal professional to understand your specific rights and obligations.

Can you get the father of your child for child support even though your husband signed the birth certificate?

Unlikely. Your husband is the legal father of the child.

Can you get more child support for your two children from their father if you had another baby from a different man?

no because if you had a baby with another man your ex husband does not pay you with more child support because that is not his child

Can you apply for medicaid for your children since you do not receive child support and you remarried and your husband is not low income?

Your eligibility for medicaid would be determined by your total household income regardless of who the children's biological father is.

In Pennsylvania does your husbands income determine child support?

If your husband is not the child's father, it might depending on the situation.If your husband is the child's father, then yes.

Can your ex husband collect child support if the child lives at another residency and not his?

Only if your ex husband is PAYING the residency to look after the child.You need to provide more details, such as whether you mean that your husband lives with the children at someone else's home. In that case, he is still entitled to child support. If the children are not in their father's custody then you should take the matter back to the family court that issued the child support order and ask for a ruling.

What is the law on having children with your ex-husband and living with a man who is not their father?

There is no current law prohibiting you from living with a man who is not the father of your children. If you marry him, he becomes their stepfather.This in no way changes the relationship between the father and the children, he is not their ex-father he is only the ex husband. You may need to remind him of this, if he is worried about his relationship with his children. Unless he is abusive, the children need to see their father and continue the bond with him.