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No. In fact no part of your neighbors roof or anything attached to that roof can even protrude over your fence. Most places have laws specifically stating how far away from your property line they have to keep their buildings.

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9y ago

No, your neighbor cannot attach anything to your side of a garden fence. If you give permission, they can. Contact your zoning inspector or city attorney for your specific laws.

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14y ago

with your consent. but without it they cant

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Q: Can your neighbor attach a cable to your side of a garden fence?
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Can I attach to my neighbor's fence?

It is not possible to attach to a neighbor's fence unless permission is given by the neighbor. It is a good idea to get any agreement in writing for attaching to the fence.

Can a neighbor attach a fence to your fence?

If the fence is yours - ie your boundary and on your land then the neighbor has no right to attach anything to it (without your permission).

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My advice is go see your council and advise them that you are changing the fence and get a permit,and it is also good that you asked your neighbour.

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(If you can prove that it is more likely than not that the neighbor dumped the fence panels): Hire a licensed contractor to remove the fence panels. Then, take the offending neighbor to small claims court for the amount of money you paid the contractor to remove the panels.

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His gate really jars my fence when he shuts it. I think he should put his own post in and attach his own gate to his own post.

If you put up a fence on your property does the neighbor on the other side of the fence have the right to paint attach to or alter your fence?

Find your exact property line..... then come on your side of it just a few inches and then the entire fence is on your property as opposed to building right on the property line where it would be on both properties.

Can neighbor use fence on your property?

If a neighbor wanted to install a fence the fence has to be on the neighbors property entirely. Not half the fence on your side and half on the neighbors side. There are also zoning regulations that deal with issues like this. Some counties will not allow a fence to be over five feet tall and they have to be constructed using only approved materials. I know that in my neighborhood metal fences are against code and they can only be constructed using fence block. If I were you I would call the city planning office and ask them, they will have a definitive answer. Who knows, maybe the fence was put up without the proper permits and your neighbor has to take the entire thing down.

What if your neighbor nails into your fence without permission Now the fence is old and I want to tear it down is there any obligation to the neighbors on my part?

You have no obligation, especially as they did not seek permission to attach. Simply detach theirs by any reasonable means and go your merry way. you should just have a discution with your next door neighbor and see why he\she stuck a nail threw your fence

Neighbor's fence is on your property in New Mexico what can you do about it?

If the neighbor's fence is on your property in New Mexico, you can ask them to remove it. If they refuse, you can take them to civil court.

Do you use the area or the perimiter of a garden for a fence?

The perimeter. It is the total length of the boundary (where the fence is or will be) of the garden.

What is the definition of a good neighbor fence?

It is a fence with alternating slats on each side of the fence. The idea is for the fence to be attratcie on both sides.