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Pleas deals are offered all the time based on many different factors. It would have to be agreed upon my the defense and state. It is not uncommon to get convicted of lesser charges neither.

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Q: Can your felony burglary charge be reduced to misdemeanor after probation?
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What if probation is broken when it was for a burglary charge?

I have committed a burglary on probation and got revoked and payed with my original sentence and the new sentence charges.

Can burglary be reduced to a misdemeanor in Memphis Tennessee?

yes. it depends on whether or not the district attorney or prosecutor is willing to plea you out or not. also bare in mind there are different degrees of all crimes. meaning that your buglary charge can already be a misdemeanor and not necessarily a felony. for example a 4th degree buglary charge is a misdemeanor.

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If there was sufficient probable cause for an arrest for the B2 charges, then they may be remanded to jail awaiting the outcome of the B2 procedure,

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How long will you go to jail in sc if you are charged with burglary but have no record?

There are various levels of burglary charges. You can hope to get probation and not go to jail for a burglary charge in SC if you do not have a record.

Can a welfare fraud charge be reduced to a misdemeanor?

yes it can

Is the charge of California Penal Code 459 ''burglary'' a misdemeanor?

It is known as a wobbler. It is always filed as a felony but can be set as a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances.

Will you have to take a drug test for a misdemeanor marijuana charge?

Yeah you will, when they put you on probation

Is a felon whose charge was reduced to a misdemeanor prohibited from owning any firearm?

If the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor, the person is not a felon. SOME misdemeanor convictions will bar legal ownership of firearms in the US- Domestic violence, and possession of controlled drugs.

Leaving the scene of an accident charge Can you still become a probation officer?

Depends on if it is felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanor than yes, eventually but with a felony than no.

Will drug testing be part of probation for larceny misdemeanor in Michigan?

Anyone placed on probation for any charge is restricted from consuming alcohol and/or illicit drugs.

Can HS 11379 A penal code be reduced to a misdemeanor?

NO. charge is considered a felony